Well it's been a very busy couple of months - probably a thousand words not written and a million or so thoughts many best left forgotten - I have no idea at all where the time has gone - I seem to be both perpetually busy and tired, without a lot to show for it.
There's a few positive things to say at this pre-Xmas time.
The Baptist Church in Diamond Valley has been putting on free dinners on Monday evenings for those impacted by the fires. We've been to a couple and more recently attended a Xmas function there.
Out of the blue or perhaps more accurately the black, I had a visit from Shane who lives with his family in a van at the top of Bald Spur. He's been driving past for months and decided just as a gesture of goodwill and solidarity to drop in with half a dozen beers.
A couple Wednesday's ago when it was 30+ in the shade and I was fortunately sitting in the relative cool of the van on an international conference call, when a bloke who's name I think is either Jimmy or Robbie from the first house in Mitton's Bridge Road dropped in to see if I was OK and needed to be cooler. "Just drop in if you'd like", he said and noticing I was on the phone was gone!
Can't complain about these neighbours!
Finally at least for the moment - here's a link to the latest hous construction photo's. The boys have finished for the year. A bit behind schedule but we're pretty happy with progress.
We are having a quiet Xmas and hope that yours is everything you you wish for - Cheers Q
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Thanks for the lovely supper on the dam wall the other evening, along with champers and chambois, chums, good cheer and chucking( prawn shells into the dam that is). I reckon you two deserve a medal so I have done a little blog about the caravan of courage. I'll see you in the new year, enjoy your family christmas today.