There has to be a clever way to get better quality pictures in here but in the mean time try this link.
Link to picasa
Well the link works but as is so often the case, one finds out the easy way after the fact. It turns out that the pictures are loaded in "small" when one is in edit but if you click on the image when viewing the blog, then they expand to fill the screen. I refuse to tell you how long it took to discover this simple fact. Instead I'm going to bed very shortly as once again it is past midnight!
The pictures here and in picasa were taken at the farm a few days ago and feature butterflies in the Buddlea - several shots trying out my camera, and one each of the now famous plum tree and the Ginko which will most probably be just approaching maturity long after I've mouldered away into obscurity.
A poor segue way into something I've been meaning to chat about but haven't until now found an appropriate place. Far from being hidden and obscure, following my 15 seconds of fame on Better Homes & Gardens a week or so ago, NMIT produced a press release in which I featured and the local Diamond Valley Leader sent out a photographer to capture the aforementioned plum tree with me looking mostly tired but happy. Actually that's how I felt - I'll have to wait for this week's Leader to see what I looked like.
And now it's really time for bed.
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