After the Council people gave me a lift up to the neighbours where Ros was with the car, I decided I was going to take my frustration and anger as far up the tree as I could and thought that the Diamond Creek Relief Centre & the DHS folk, would be a good place to start.
Heading off through St Andrews township, I realised that I hadn't had any breakfast and was starving so we stopped off for a coffee and pie at the General Store as well of a bit of a moan to Kerry, CFA colleague and part time store staffer. Kerry has been doing a bit of sleuthing and it appears that some of us may be about to pay too much for our Post Office boxes. We'll hold off paying for a few days and see what else she can uncover.
The DC Community Centre or "Refugee Centre" as Ros and I somewhat irreverently often call it, seems to have reached a steady state. There are not hordes of people and vehicles, we are even able to get a park close to the front door. An impossibility even only a week or so ago. Ros went off to get some grocery essentials and I wandered into the main hall looking to see if our Case Manager Kate was about. She wasn't but an on the ball Team Leader named Sue was obviously finely tuned into distress signals, because I'd been standing looking around for no more than a couple of minutes when she left the task she was doing and asked me if she could help in some way.
I gave her bell book and candle on the desecration of our dignity - think I'm getting carried away just a little here - and indicated that I just really wanted to complain to someone about how I felt and hopefully, prevent similar actions being repeated elswhere. Sue was very empathetic and tried to find an appropriate number to call. I think it was the Bushfire recovery line where again, I got a very understanding listener who after a bit of discussion with her manager said that she'd sent my concern up the ladder and hoped that when the responsible body called back, I would not hold back in letting the organisation know exactly how I felt. I'm still waiting for that response!!!
Back at Cait's and still quietly seething, I wondered who I could call when it suddenly became obvious. Who better than the newly appointed head of the Bushfire Recovery Program, Christine Nixon, former Chief Police Commissioner.
I used to have a saying that "Synchronicity Works" and it's probably time to revive it because although I haven't thought about it for a while, its still true. I rang 1234 and told the operator that I had a bit of a challenge for her, to which she responded, " I like challenges." So I told her wanted to contact Christine Nixon. To may absolute amazement, she laughed and said, "Oh my old boss, I used to do a coffee run with her... which number would you like, the Chief Commissioner's office or the new Bushfire Recovery organisation?" Being a little underwhelmed by the lack of response from the Bushfire Recovery Team, I decided on the Commissioner's office and after being put through and asking for Christine Nixon's new number, I was promptly given it and the name of her PA.
The PA was extremely helpful and while I was unable to speak with Christine directly until the following Sunday, I was connected with a senior police liaison officer of whom, mention has previously been made.
On Tuesday evening after possibly the worst meal I have ever had at the St Andrews pub, I went along to the second meeting of the St Andrews Recovery Group which was most notable for the fact that of the 14 or so people present, only two were nominated as being "BFA" Bush Fire Affected in the Minutes.
I think all present were in fact BFA, only two of us had also lost our homes. A copy of the minutes is enclosed.
TUESDAY MARCH 10,2009 – 7.30PM
At St Andrews Community Centre
Donna, Vin – Shire,
Janine, Jacqui – playgroup,
Barry T – St A -resident,
Wayne – Vic.Police(D. Creek),
Manninder – St A Market,
Helen – CFA Captain,
Gaye – Historical Soc.
Suzi, Melissa – comm. Centre,CFA,
Greg – CFA,
Quentin – BFA resident,
Toni-Ann – BFA resident,
Brendan, Bill – P.Hill resident
Pam – Pony Club
Liezl – Landcare
Important Dates for the Diary
Sunday March 15 – 1pm at ST Andrews Fire Station- Christine Nixon visit to the St Andrews Community – All residents welcome
Wednesday March 18 – Public Community Meeting – 7pm at the St Andrews Hall
Open to all residents of St Andrews
Friday March 20 – MSO ensemble at St Andrews hall – evening TBC – all residents
Monday March 23 – St Andrews Recovery Group – 7.30pm at the St Andrews community Centre
Friday March 27 – Visit by Royal Commission – morning and afternoon workshop sessions - At the St Andrews Hall – limited numbers – open to the residents
Donna chaired the meeting.
Updates from Shire
- Relief Centre’s currently operating in the shire – Diamond Creek, St Andrews,
Arthurs Creek, 7 days a week – 9am-6pm. Centre is open most days DHS are having trouble with staffing all relief centres.
(Suzi W is going to pop in to the centre to see how busy it is and will report back to the group/Shire )
- In time DHS case management and Community Health Service to be based at
Eltham in Bridge St. – this was questioned by several people as an inappropriate venue – too far to travel. Hurstbridge was suggested as a more convenient and central location to the people of Strathewen and St Andrews.
- Plans to open a Recovery Office in Hurstbridge –
- Call Centre (RCC) now operating at the Shire offices, any bushfire recovery query
will be directed to the relevant support assistance- 9433 3111
Return of St Andrews Market – March 7 by Manninder
- Lots of people came out – it was low key given the holiday weekend, a good day, lots of people catching up
- In time the market would like to hold a concert at the site as a fundraiser for
St Andrews Bushfire Recovery
A Japanese student has made and donated 100 origami cranes – Manninder is to hang them in the St Andrews hall
- Traffic seemed to move smoothly
- One road block sign was not highly visible but did not create too many problems
Roadblocks and Police Presence – update by Wayne, D.C Police
- Roadblock at Mittons Bridge to cease within next 2-3 days
- Road will then be open up the mountain to Kinglake. – some people expressed their concerns of sightseers’, open throttle of motorbikes and looters.
- Extra patrol cars have been allocated from Hurstbridge and Diamond Creek to service this area for next 2 weeks – to deter unwanted behaviour.
- Shire to put up road closure signs/bollards – open to local residents only,
on side roads off the main road in bush fire affected area of St Andrews North.
- Coroner has not lifted restrictions in this area yet.
- Christine Nixon is scheduled to visit the community of St Andrews
on Sunday March 15 at the CFA fire station at 1pm.
A casual, informal meeting – BBQ provided
TBC – Vin to email everyone tomorrow morning
Advertise this visit and invite the general community by email networks, flyer at the Community Centre, Hotel, Post Office boxes
- Council will provide staff to cook for the BBQ – possible numbers – 400?
- Discussed the difficulties of trying to contact local residents who are living in town and former residents who are currently dispersed around Melbourne- about community issues, bushfire recovery, the formation of the St Andrews Recovery Group
- Toni-Ann has offered to start an email network of St Andrews residents – have a list on Sunday at the BBQ, - also SMS communication.
- Distribution of newsletters in post boxes at the St Andrews/Smiths Gully General Stores, notices at the hotel, and the Relief Centre.
- Proposed visit by the Royal Commission – this will be an early feedback information/workshop session – am and pm sessions.
Friday March 27 at St Andrews Hall
Limited numbers – advertised in tomorrows Herald Sun paper
Written submissions will also be accepted
At Strathewen on April 8.
- Library Bus return – hopefully next week , large container fridge needs to be removed.
- Bill Penrose has a network of 700 people – willing helpers
- Recovery Activity Teams are available – 4/5 people per vehicle.
- Bookings in advance
- These teams will be available for - house cleaning, rebuilding of fences, rubbish removal, plumbing etc. All of these teams will be under supervision.
At the moment investigating insurance cover for these teams when working on private properties.
- Victorian Farmers Association are willing to cover the fence building
Progress of the Strathewen Group
- 14 representatives’ on the group based on the geography of the district of Strathewen – possibly up to 18
- This group has the view to be running by April 5 set up as a
Public Benevolent Institute
St Andrews Public Community Meeting
Wednesday 18 march at St Andrews Hall at 7pm
Shire to update bushfire recovery – other speakers TBA.
Publicise expressions of interest in the St Andrews Recovery Group.
- The need to have a diverse range of people from the St Andrews Community on this committee
- Acknowledge that some members of the community are not ready to be on a committee or give input – Possibly these people could channel their views through another representative that they are comfortable to talk to.
- (Toni-Ann happy to talk to people in Ninks Rd)
- Important to have people from bush fire affected areas in St Andrews
- Take time to form this Group – a selection process will be in place
- Donna, Liezl and Toni Ann will meet (in the next week) to discuss
The goals of the committee and achievable objectives.
- Concerns over depleting duck population on the main rd – near community centre - Road signs re Caution Wildlife Crossing - are being made
- Offer by MSO Ensemble (8 musicians) to perform at St Andrews hall on Friday March 20 for the local community time TBA
Liezl and Suzi W. To help Donna
Also ACME movie nights at the hall? – look at venue options/Primary School oval?
Movie night for children and adults (not an Adults Only!!!)
- Opportunities for this Group to apply for grants – in time – on nominated projects that can benefit people in bush fire affected areas.
- Greg has had an offer by Nunawading Rotary club who want to get involved in helping bushfire recovery in St Andrews – the club has suggested to hold a dance with proceeds to go to St Andrews.
- This club has already donated a large sum of money to St Andrews CFA
- The Group was thrilled with this information and recognises the need to keep ideas active – especially in six months time
- Discussions on the next phase of getting people back onto their property
- The equipment that is needed in starting landscaping gardens, vegetable patches
- Wheelbarrows, shovels, picks,rakes, hammers screw drivers etc. – these tools are snapped up pretty quickly – currently at the container, at the relief centre there are star pickets for fencing.
- Possible speakers at information sessions on sustainable gardening – how to regenerate the earth, under the ash
- Other information sessions on rebuilding houses - new requirements
- (Toni-Ann to make further enquiries into this matter)
Overall I think the group is well intentioned and probably in it's formal guise shortly to be created, will be a very valuable adjunct to the recovery process. However I am a little concerned about the focus on a "supportive community" needing to ensure St Andrews is organised and able to get what it needs from the juggernaut of the Bushfire recovery program before it rolls past or over us and we miss out.
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